1. Job: Toloker
  • Make money anytime, anywhere
  • Start with a quick lesson to learn how to do certain jobs like:
    • Checking Data
    • Sorting Data
    • and others.
  • Great for earning extra in your spare time,
  • Typically earn $20k a year.
  • Apply Here: https://toloka.ai/tolokers/web2app/en/

Job: Toloker

  1. Job: Search Quality Evaluator

Job: Search Quality Evaluator

  1. Role: Customer Support Agent
  • Site: https://www.arise.com/
  • No college degree or previous experience required to apply.
  • Handle customer inquiries and complaints through communication.
  • Typical yearly income is around $30k.

Site: Arise

  1. Job: Grader
  • Site: Marco Learning
  • https://marcolearning.com/
  • Review and assess student work from various online courses.
  • Offer feedback and grades according to specific, detailed guidelines.
  • Average annual income: $50k.

Job: Grader

  1. Rewardy
  • Make money through activities you already enjoy online.
    • Viewing Twitch streams
    • Listening to music
    • Watching humorous videos
    • Participating in quizzes
  • 🔗http://rewardy.io


  1. Trymata
  • Test websites and apps and share your feedback.
  • Tests last about 30 minutes, with earnings of $5 - $30 per test.
  • Take as many tests as you like; there’s no cap.
  • 🔗http://trymyui.com/worker/signup7


  1. Brandbee
  • Fill out surveys, earn gift cards.
  • You’re free to complete as many surveys as you like and get rewards for every single one!
  • 🔗http://brandbee.io
