Welcome to Ayraa! Your personal work assistant integrating with Slack and your web browser to ensure you never miss a beat. Ayraa effortlessly captures and organizes all work-related activities, functioning as a search-and-answer bot for your work communication and online browsing history.

Official Website

Ayraa logo - A sleek and modern logo with the text “Ayraa” in a stylish font.

Ayraa interface - A screenshot of the Ayraa app showing a clean and intuitive user interface.

Ayraa integration with Slack - An image demonstrating Ayraa’s seamless integration with the popular workplace messaging platform Slack.

Ayraa web browser extension - A screenshot of Ayraa as a browser extension, allowing users to access its features directly from their web browser.

Ayraa search feature - A visual representation of Ayraa’s powerful search functionality, enabling users to find relevant information quickly and effortlessly.

Ayraa activity organizer - An image showcasing Ayraa’s ability to capture and organize work-related activities, providing users with a comprehensive overview of their tasks and communications.

Official Website