Enhance your SEO efforts with our Backlink Monitor, the ultimate automated tool for keeping an eye on your backlinks. It diligently verifies key elements like rel-tags, anchors, no-index and no-follow attributes, plus robots.txt file changes. Stay informed of your backlinks’ indexing status on Google, and expedite their indexing with ease. Ensure your backlink strategy is robust and impactful without the manual hassle.

Official Website

A screenshot of the Backlink Monitor interface, displaying verified rel-tags, anchors, and attributes.

An image of the Backlink Monitor tool’s dashboard, showing the robots.txt file tracking feature.

Illustration of the Backlink Monitor in action, highlighting its ability to expedite backlink indexing on Google.

A visual depiction of the Backlink Monitor’s indexing status report, providing insights on the status of backlinks.

A screenshot showcasing the Backlink Monitor’s automated verification process for no-index and no-follow attributes.

Official Website