Discover the engaging world of AI assistants such as ChatGPT, Claude, and LLAMA, united in one interactive chat group. Leverage the @foo functionality to elicit responses from your chosen AI, elevating your outreach strategy. Better yet, engage multiple AIs to receive simultaneous replies, maximizing your efficiency. Experience seamless conversation hand-offs by deploying @Claude to pick up exactly where ChatGPT left off. Immerse yourself in the revolutionary realm of AI-powered chat groups.

Official Website

A group chat interface with ChatGPT, Claude, and LLAMA AI assistants.

An example of using @foo functionality to interact with AI assistants in a chat group.

Multiple AI assistants providing simultaneous replies in an interactive chat group.

Seamless conversation hand-offs demonstrated by Claude picking up from ChatGPT.

Exploring the revolutionary world of AI-powered chat groups with integrated AI assistants.

Official Website