Discover CleanAppsNow, your go-to solution for effortlessly uninstalling macOS apps along with every trace they leave behind. Simply drag and drop unwanted applications into CleanAppsNow and watch as it performs a comprehensive cleanup, boosting your Mac’s speed and efficiency!
Official Website

CleanAppsNow logo: A simple and sleek logo for CleanAppsNow, a solution for effortlessly uninstalling macOS apps.

CleanAppsNow’s drag and drop feature: A screenshot of CleanAppsNow’s interface, showing the drag and drop feature for uninstalling unwanted applications.

Comprehensive cleanup process: An illustration showcasing CleanAppsNow’s comprehensive cleanup process for removing all traces left behind by uninstalled apps.

Boosting Mac’s speed and efficiency: An image demonstrating CleanAppsNow’s ability to boost a Mac’s speed and efficiency after performing a cleanup.

CleanAppsNow in action: A screenshot of CleanAppsNow in action, uninstalling an application and displaying a progress bar.

Before and after comparison: A visual comparison showing the difference in Mac’s performance before and after using CleanAppsNow to uninstall unwanted applications.

Official Website