Discover CopyFrame, the innovative tool blending the simplicity of Notion-style writing with the functionality of wireframing. Effortlessly compose your copy within intuitive layouts and seamlessly share it with clients for feedback. Embrace the power of visualization, ensuring your words are understood, approved, and executed just as you envisioned.
Official Website

CopyFrame - Discover the innovative tool combining writing and wireframing capabilities.

Intuitive Layout - Effortlessly compose copy within visually appealing and user-friendly layouts.

Shareable Mockups - Seamlessly share your copy compositions with clients for valuable feedback.

Visualization Power - Empower your words with visual representation for better understanding and execution.

Client Collaboration - Foster collaboration by sharing copy drafts with clients using CopyFrame.

Notion-Style Writing - Experience the simplicity and ease of Notion-style writing with CopyFrame.

Unleash Your Creativity - Use CopyFrame to ensure your copy is understood, approved, and executed as envisioned.

Official Website