Transform your Figma libraries into sleek, detailed documentation websites in a snap with FigMayo. Instantly publish your styles, components, and notes, bypassing the tedium of manual updates and maintenance for your design system docs. Keep your team effortlessly aligned with FigMayo’s streamlined solution.

Official Website

FigMayo logo: A modern, sleek logo representing the FigMayo design system documentation tool.

Screenshot of FigMayo homepage: A web interface displaying the FigMayo homepage showcasing the features and benefits of the tool.

Publishing styles and components: A screenshot demonstrating how FigMayo enables users to instantly publish their design system styles and components.

Streamlined design system management: An illustration showing FigMayo’s streamlined solution for effortlessly aligning design teams.

Screenshot of FigMayo library: A visual representation of FigMayo’s library interface for managing and updating design system documentation.

Creating detailed documentation: An image showcasing how FigMayo helps users create detailed and organized documentation for their design system.

Efficient maintenance and updates: A depiction of how FigMayo bypasses the manual tedium of maintenance and updates for design system documentation.

Official Website