Discover Findly, your AI-powered companion for Google Analytics. Simplify your data analysis with quick insights, comprehensive tables, and visual summaries using natural language. Tailored for team collaboration, Findly makes Google Analytics data interpretation seamless and efficient.

Official Website

Findly logo: A stylized letter “F” in blue, representing the brand Findly.

Dashboard screenshot: A screen capture showing the Findly dashboard with various data visualizations and metrics.

Insights summary: A section of the Findly app displaying key insights and recommendations based on Google Analytics data.

Table view: A view of a table within Findly showing detailed data and metrics organized in columns and rows.

Collaboration feature: A screenshot showcasing Findly’s collaboration feature, allowing team members to work together and analyze data.

Natural language input: A user typing in the Findly app, utilizing the natural language feature to ask questions and receive data-driven responses.

Mobile app: A person holding a smartphone with the Findly app open on the screen, providing access to Google Analytics data on the go.

Official Website