No time but want to grow? Find 15-minute audio book summaries that let you learn during your coffee break! With these bite-sized takes on top books, expanding your mind doesn’t have to take all day. Ready for a swift leap ahead? Gain insights, skills, and knowledge from over 5000 bestsellers. Available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Official Website

Colorful image showcasing a collection of audio book summaries available on Android and iOS platforms.

Close-up of a smartphone screen displaying the app interface with various book covers and titles.

Illustration of a clock with the hands set at 15 minutes, representing the short duration of the audio book summaries.

Image of a person holding a coffee mug while listening to an audio book summary, symbolizing learning during a coffee break.

Graphic displaying a stack of books with a lightning bolt above it, conveying the idea of a swift leap ahead through the insights gained from the summaries.

Screenshot of the app’s search bar, highlighting the extensive library of over 5000 bestseller book summaries available.

Visual representation of a mobile phone and a tablet side by side, indicating that the app is accessible on both Android and iOS platforms.

Official Website