Introducing Marathon, your new hub for everything TV-related. This social platform connects you with TV enthusiasts worldwide. Log, discuss, and explore your favourite shows, and join in the global TV conversation. Dive into Marathon and redefine the way you watch TV.

Official Website

Marathon logo: A stylized illustration of the word ‘Marathon’ with TV antenna symbols incorporated into the lettering, representing the TV-related hub.

Screenshot of Marathon’s homepage: A collage of TV show images, displaying a variety of genres and characters available on the social platform.

Marathon app interface: A user-friendly interface showing TV show recommendations, personalized playlists, and trending discussions among TV enthusiasts worldwide.

Marathon community engagement: A diverse group of TV enthusiasts gathered around a virtual campfire, engaging in lively discussions and sharing recommendations.

Marathon global TV conversation: A world map with chat bubbles popping up from various countries, symbolizing the platform’s connection of TV lovers worldwide.

Official Website