Unleash the futuristic convenience with Mobile ALOHA—your new robotic hero, now open-source and more versatile than ever! Fresh out of the box, this multitasking marvel effortlessly ticks off your household to-do list:

  • Laundry Made Easy: Wave goodbye to dirty clothes as Mobile ALOHA tackles the washing.
  • Eternal Energy: Self-charging capabilities ensure it’s always ready to serve.
  • Spotless Spaces: Daily dust doesn’t stand a chance against its vacuuming prowess.
  • Garden Guardian: Keeps your plants perfectly hydrated.
  • Kitchen Companion: Dishwashers are managed with finesse, while coffee lovers rejoice with a machine-savvy barista-bot.
  • Fridge Fixer: Quench your thirst with ease as it fetches and opens drinks.
  • Door Dynamo: Never let a closed door stop you again.
  • Pet Playmate: Furry friends get their playtime, too.
  • Neat Freak: Taking out the trash becomes a hassle-free chore.
  • Lighting Leader: Control the ambiance at the touch of a button.

Transitioning from robotic fantasy to kitchen assistant, Mobile ALOHA goes beyond simple tasks. Imitation learning catapults its capabilities to new heights, now adept in bimanual coordination and full-body control.

We proudly introduce a full-bodied teleoperation interface on a mobile base, capturing precise human movements for an impressive digital mimicry. This robust system leverages behavior cloning enhanced by co-training with static datasets—streamlining operations to astonishing 90% success rates.

With just 50 demonstrations, watch Mobile ALOHA master the art of sautéing shrimp, organizing heavy cookware, managing elevators, and even rinsing cookware with finesse. Let Mobile ALOHA redefine effortless living and interact with your world with groundbreaking dexterity and mobility.

Official Website

Robustness and Repeatability

Mobile ALOHA Robot - Teleoperating a 3-Course Cantonese Meal

Mobile ALOHA: Your Housekeeping Robot

Mobile ALOHA - A robotic hero that tackles laundry, self-charges, vacuums, hydrates plants, manages dishwashers, serves coffee, opens drinks, opens closed doors, plays with pets, takes out the trash, and controls lighting.

Official Website