Experience comprehensive 360° analytics for your company’s wikis, community knowledge bases, and shared documents with Notion. Keep track of essential metrics and gather candid feedback with our engaging interactive widgets. Discover what works and remove guesswork from identifying what doesn’t – all efficiently managed with Notion.

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Notion logo: A bold and modern logo representing the Notion brand, with a stylized letter ‘N’.

360° analytics dashboard: A comprehensive analytics dashboard displaying various metrics and data for your company’s wikis, knowledge bases, and shared documents in Notion.

Interactive widgets: Engaging and interactive widgets within Notion, allowing users to gather candid feedback and track essential metrics.

Data visualization: Visually appealing charts and graphs presenting key data insights within the Notion analytics platform.

User engagement metrics: A visual representation of user engagement metrics, showing the level of activity and interaction within your company’s wikis and community knowledge bases in Notion.

Performance tracking: A performance tracking feature within Notion, enabling users to monitor the effectiveness and success of their shared documents and knowledge bases.

Efficient management: A demonstration of Notion’s efficient management capabilities, streamlining the process of identifying what works and eliminating guesswork in analyzing data and metrics.

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