Experience the power of AI with Omnipilot, your versatile digital sidekick that seamlessly integrates into every corner of your macOS. Effortlessly autocomplete text in a snap, whether you’re drafting an email in Gmail or capturing thoughts in Apple Notes. Elevate your productivity as Omnipilot intelligently generates text across all apps, informed by the context of your recent activities. Unleash the full potential of your Mac with an AI that works tirelessly for you.


  • Universal Autocomplete: Type with confidence in any app on your Mac.
  • Context-Aware Text Generation: Create relevant content with insights from your recent app usage.
  • Boosted Productivity: Let AI handle the writing, so you can focus on your ideas.

Transform your Mac into a hub of efficiency with Omnipilot!

Official Website

Omnipilot - Universal Autocomplete feature in action, seamlessly integrating with macOS.

Omnipilot - Context-Aware Text Generation providing relevant content based on recent app usage.

Omnipilot - Boosted productivity with AI handling the writing, allowing users to focus on ideas.

Omnipilot - Transforming Mac into a hub of efficiency with its powerful AI capabilities.

Official Website