Discover OpenReplay: The Ultimate Tool for Session Replay and Analysis

Elevate your product’s user experience and performance with OpenReplay - a powerful, self-hosted, open-source tool designed for detailed session playbacks and insightful analysis. OpenReplay presents a unique opportunity for developers to meticulously observe user interactions with their products. Imagine watching a movie that showcases every click, every keystroke, and every screen event that unfolds when users face issues. This level of detail is invaluable in optimizing your product’s usability and functionality.

Take Complete Control with Self-hosting

Deploy OpenReplay on your server to gain unprecedented control over the data you collect. This approach not only safeguards user privacy but also ensures that all the sensitive information remains within your purview, eliminating the need for third-party data handlers.

Dive Deep into Your Application’s Inner Workings

Beyond merely replaying user actions, OpenReplay excels by offering insights into the application’s inner mechanics - from network activity, console logs, and JavaScript errors to storage operations, page performance metrics, and resource usage. Now supporting iOS and React Native apps, with Android and Flutter support on the horizon, it’s an all-encompassing solution for a wide array of development environments.

Features That Set OpenReplay Apart:

  • Minimal Overhead: Boasting a lightweight ~26KB tracker, OpenReplay promises high efficiency with negligible performance impact.
  • Unmatched Privacy Control: With advanced security features, it allows meticulous control over user data visibility and handling.
  • Ease of Deployment: Compatibility with leading cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, and DigitalOcean makes deployment a breeze.
  • Innovative Session Replay: Step into your users’ shoes, understanding their challenges and impacts on their journey.
  • Integrated DevTools: Offers a seamless debugging experience akin to using your browser’s development tools.
  • Live Assistance: Engage with users in real-time through screen viewing and direct communication, eliminating the need for external screen-sharing solutions.
  • Feature Flags and A/B Testing: Test and roll out new features effortlessly without needing to redeploy your app.
  • Powerful Search and Analytics: Effortlessly search and filter based on a wide range of criteria to uncover key insights and issues affecting conversions and revenue.

OpenReplay isn’t just a tool; it’s your partner in enhancing user satisfaction and achieving peak product performance. Join the forward-thinking developers who are already harnessing the power of OpenReplay by visiting our GitHub page: OpenReplay GitHub.

Embrace the future of user experience optimization with OpenReplay today.
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User operation record playback

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