Discover the ultimate React + NodeJS open-source template, packed with a wealth of features right out of the box. Harness the power of an intuitive admin dashboard, seamless Stripe integration, and insightful data with OpenAI, Plausible, and Google Analytics support. Enjoy the freedom to deploy on any platform of your choice. Simplify your development process and get a jumpstart on your project today!

Official Website

React + NodeJS open-source template with a stylish admin dashboard

Detailed view of the intuitive admin dashboard

Seamless Stripe integration for easy payment processing

Insightful data analysis with OpenAI, Plausible, and Google Analytics support

Flexibility to deploy on any platform of your choice

Streamlined development process with pre-packed features

Jumpstart your project with the ultimate React + NodeJS template

Screengrab showcasing the user-friendly interface of the open-source template

An example of how the template can be used for web development projects

Official Website