Discover Promptly, the innovative no-code Generative AI platform designed to elevate your app and workflow game. Seamlessly integrate your favorite Large Language Models (LLMs) and import data effortlessly, regardless of format. Unleash the power of AI Agents to streamline everything from data retrieval to filling out web forms. Get ready to revolutionize your productivity with Promptly.

Official Website

Promptly logo - A sleek and modern logo for the Promptly no-code Generative AI platform

Large Language Models (LLMs) integration - A screenshot showcasing the easy integration of favorite LLMs into Promptly

Data import flexibility - An image demonstrating the seamless import of data in various formats on Promptly

AI Agent in action - An animated image displaying an AI Agent streamlining data retrieval on Promptly

Web form automation - A screenshot showcasing an AI Agent efficiently filling out web forms on Promptly

Increased productivity graph - An infographic illustrating the revolutionary impact of Promptly on productivity

Mobile app interface - A snapshot of the user-friendly mobile interface of the Promptly app

Workflow optimization - An image showcasing how Promptly helps optimize workflows for enhanced efficiency

Official Website