Take pride in your academic achievements, elevate their visibility with Schovis. Transform your hard-earned academic content into immersive, scannable stories with engaging visuals. With Schovis, you get:

🔎 Easily Discoverable Scholarly Papers: Make your hard work stand out and easy to find. 📈 Comprehensive Citation Graphs: Track your influence and reach in academia through detailed analytics. 🚀 Comprehensive Author Metrics: Understand your academic performance with 8 unique measurements. 🔗 Customized Profile URL: Personalize your online academic presence for better accessibility and recognition.

Optimize your academic portfolio like never before with Schovis. Increase your digital visibility and keep track of your scholarly impact in an attractive and user-friendly way.

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A person holding a magnifying glass, representing easily discoverable scholarly papers with Schovis.

A line graph showing increasing citations, representing comprehensive citation graphs with Schovis.

A person analyzing data on a computer, representing comprehensive author metrics with Schovis.

A customized URL with a person’s name, representing personalized profile URLs with Schovis.

A laptop displaying an optimized academic portfolio, representing optimizing academic portfolios with Schovis.

A person with a megaphone, representing increased digital visibility with Schovis.

A person reaching out and touching an academic book, representing tracking scholarly impact with Schovis.

Official Website