At Tappity STEM School, we’re passionate about sparking your 1st-3rd grade homeschooler’s curiosity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math with our engaging live online classes. Discover our adventure-inspired courses, creatively taught by top-notch educators in the field. With our flexible scheduling, rewarding mailed incentives, and educationally nourishing printables, we make STEM learning an exciting journey. Embark on this educational voyage and cultivate a love for STEM with Tappity STEM School today!

Official Website

Children enjoying a live online science class at Tappity STEM School.

Top-notch educator demonstrating an engineering experiment during a Tappity STEM School class.

Adventure-themed printable worksheets for STEM learning at home.

Homeschooler receiving a reward package with STEM incentives from Tappity STEM School.

Children exploring and discovering new concepts during a hands-on technology lesson.

Tappity STEM School logo showcasing their commitment to inspiring curiosity in STEM subjects.

Official Website