Are you an emerging IT startup seeking the right investment partner? Discover ‘The Platform by Intema’, designed to align your startup with the perfect, verified Venture Capitalist or corporation. Grab the chance to scrutinize your technology with professional consultation from industry giants like AWS, Tencent, and Meta, and elevate your startup’s potential score. Capitalize on this opportunity to boost your startup’s visibility and attain your investment goals. We’re here to propel your IT startup towards unprecedented success.

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Image of The Platform by Intema logo featuring a rocket symbolizing a startup’s upward growth potential

Image illustrating a meeting between a startup owner and a Venture Capitalist, highlighting professional consultation for technology scrutiny

Illustration showcasing the logos of AWS, Tencent, and Meta, representing industry giants that provide consultation for technology assessment

Image capturing a startup gaining visibility and reaching investment goals with The Platform by Intema, propelling towards success

Official Website