Jasmine Energy

Discover Jasmine, your effortless solution for monitoring energy prices and authenticating renewable energy sources. Effortlessly trade Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs/RECs) with the confidence of swift settlements and automated retirement. Dive into the ease of standardized commodity pools for optimal trading liquidity. Experience the future of energy trading with Jasmine. Official Website Official Website

January 8, 2024 · 1 min · mychatgpt.net


Explore the enchanting realm of second-hand shopping, innovatively reimagined by Faircado’s artificial intelligence precision. Journey through this eco-friendly universe with personalized recommendations conveniently located in our easy-to-use browser plugin. Merge your love for economical shopping with sustainable choices, one unique find at a time. Official Website Official Website

November 24, 2023 · 1 min · mychatgpt.net

Bend Scorecard

Get ready to discover eco-friendly measures for your company by answering three quick questions. We use an advanced economic climate model with more than 4 million data points to provide actionable insights into your company’s carbon footprint. Understand where you stand in your industry’s green race and make changes that matter. Don’t just be a part of the crowd; shape the future with eco-conscious business solutions. Official Website Official Website

September 19, 2023 · 1 min · mychatgpt.net