
Breakcold introduces a revolutionary sales CRM enabling you to engage with prospects through Email and LinkedIn directly within the platform. Simplify your outreach with quick actions like liking (1), commenting (2), and sending emails/messages (3) to your prospects, all from a single, convenient location. Official Website Official Website

February 28, 2024 · 1 min ·

Company CRM

Experience seamless customer relationship management with Company CRM—a unified platform that consolidates interaction tracking, sales management, and client relations into one intuitive interface. Streamline your workflow, cultivate stronger customer connections, and drive sales growth effortlessly. Official Website Official Website

January 2, 2024 · 1 min ·


Discover Userwise, the cutting-edge AI tool that empowers businesses to effectively harness customer feedback. It seamlessly: Automatically Detects Sentiment: Understand the emotional tone behind customer opinions in a snap. Summarizes Insights: Quickly grasp the essence of customer sentiment, distilled into actionable takeaways. Tracks Trends: Stay ahead with real-time trend analysis to keep your strategies agile and informed. Collects from Multiple Channels: Aggregate feedback across various platforms for a holistic view of customer satisfaction....

December 31, 2023 · 1 min ·

CRM Chat

You haven’t provided any text to rewrite. Please provide the text you’d like rewritten. Official Website Official Website

December 12, 2023 · 1 min ·


With Parma, transform your business relationships into digital notes. This smart tool lets you: Build trust by helping you remember minuscule details. Ensure your commitments are monitored and fulfilled. Enhance your growth through the strengthening of professional ties. Official Website Official Website

December 10, 2023 · 1 min ·