Capitol AI

Discover the power of Capitol AI—a one-stop solution that revolutionizes content creation. Embrace the seamless integration of cutting-edge, fine-tuned AI models to fuel your research, storytelling, and marketing efforts. Wave goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple apps. Capitol AI stands as the ultimate creative companion, making advanced artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. Experience the pinnacle of AI-driven creativity with Capitol AI—because great minds deserve the best tools. Official Website Official Website

February 9, 2024 · 1 min ·


Experience the revolution in digital art with Realtime AI Drawing designed for iPad, powered by Apple’s Silicon Chips. Enjoy the privacy of on-device inference, astonishingly fast generation speeds, and the convenience of offline functionality. Prepare to redefine your artistry with this groundbreaking technology. Official Website Official Website

December 21, 2023 · 1 min ·

Collaborate with renowned AI artists to craft innovative greeting cards using With advanced tech features, you can amaze your friends or clients. At, our vision is to infuse purpose into the world using technology and creativity. Official Website Official Website

December 18, 2023 · 1 min ·

Director Mode

Craft stunning visuals by meticulously controlling your character’s position, scale, and rotation. Produce engaging videos with exact control over each shot type. Master the art of digital creation by finely tuning every detail for optimal impact. Official Website Your browser does not support the video tag. Official Website

November 30, 2023 · 1 min ·


Discover the engaging world of AI assistants such as ChatGPT, Claude, and LLAMA, united in one interactive chat group. Leverage the @foo functionality to elicit responses from your chosen AI, elevating your outreach strategy. Better yet, engage multiple AIs to receive simultaneous replies, maximizing your efficiency. Experience seamless conversation hand-offs by deploying @Claude to pick up exactly where ChatGPT left off. Immerse yourself in the revolutionary realm of AI-powered chat groups....

October 28, 2023 · 1 min ·