Claude 3

Dive into the latest Claude 3 Opus demo and marvel at its power to dissect the global economy in minutes. We put Anthropic’s most advanced model to the test, analyzing U.S. GDP trends and capturing our findings in a user-friendly Markdown table. Claude 3 Opus is equipped with a plethora of tools, including WebView, enabling it to browse specific URLs for data analysis. By interpreting trend lines directly from a webpage, Claude estimates intricate figures with ease....

March 5, 2024 · 2 min ·


Unlock the full potential of language modeling with OLMo, the pinnacle of open-source language initiatives. Standing out with a unique ethos of total transparency, OLMo revolutionizes how we interact with, understand, and develop language models by sharing everything - yes, every single element of the project - from its 3 trillion token Dolma dataset to vital resources like training code, model weights, inference code, and detailed logs. Dive into a world where reproducing the model training process, delving into performance intricacies, and customizing the model to your needs is not just possible—it’s encouraged....

March 2, 2024 · 2 min ·