
FusionFocus is an exclusive personal productivity application, meticulously optimized for macOS users. This superior tool motivates you to dominate your workday by promoting better habits, enhanced focus, and maximum efficiency. Official Website Official Website

October 27, 2023 · 1 min ·

Posture Pal

Harness the power of your AirPods’ motion sensors with the innovative Posture Pal. This intuitive application transforms your everyday movements into a personalized posture monitor. The charming characters of Posture Pal serve as interactive guides, offering discreet reminders on your Mac’s bottom panel to keep you sitting upright. Elevate your health habits and enhance your posture effortlessly with Posture Pal, your technologically advanced guardian for optimal sitting positions. Official Website...

September 30, 2023 · 1 min ·


Enhance your online experience seamlessly with Cellular’s smart internet connection switch on your Mac. When you stray beyond the bounds of recognized Wi-Fi networks, Cellular takes over instantly, steering your Mac’s internet connectivity to utilize your personal hotspot. Conversely, as you reenter the vicinity of your preferred networks, Cellular promptly deactivates your hotspot while reconnecting you back to your familiar network. Embrace uninterrupted internet access no matter where you are with Cellular’s advanced hotspot and network transitioning features....

September 17, 2023 · 1 min ·


Emerging as a delightful result of a leisurely weekend endeavor, BatteryBoi has rapidly escalated to meet widespread user demand. It’s now a comprehensive, open-source battery management app, offering entirety free of cost. This elegant application delivers attractive Dynamic Island-inspired notifications as well as insightful data about your battery performance. What’s more, it even extends its capabilities to your connected devices for a comprehensive energy management experience. Official Website Official Website

September 16, 2023 · 1 min ·

BatteryBoi (Open-Source)

Emerging from a simple weekend hobby project, BatteryBoi has transformed into a sophisticated, entirely free, open-source battery application. Serving you with eye-catching, Dynamic Island-style notifications paired with deep insights, BatteryBoi not only optimizes your device’s battery health but extends its reach to your interconnected gadgets as well. This popularly-demanded app is here to revolutionize the way you monitor and manage your battery life. Official Website Official Website

September 7, 2023 · 1 min ·